Pain-Relieving Tips


At BodyViva, our aim is to get you out of pain, keep you out of pain, and ensure you’re functioning at your best!

Levator scapulae stretch

This exercise helps improve important aspects of rotator cuff strength (predominantly the external rotators) throughout shoulder range of elevation. Very helpful for shoulder/arm strength and control for various reaching and overhead activities.

Calf Stretch

This exercise helps improve important aspects of rotator cuff strength (predominantly the external rotators) throughout shoulder range of elevation. Very helpful for shoulder/arm strength and control for various reaching and overhead activities.

Forearm Stretch

This exercise helps improve important aspects of rotator cuff strength (predominantly the external rotators) throughout shoulder range of elevation. Very helpful for shoulder/arm strength and control for various reaching and overhead activities.

Deltoid (Shoulder) Stretch

This exercise helps improve important aspects of rotator cuff strength (predominantly the external rotators) throughout shoulder range of elevation. Very helpful for shoulder/arm strength and control for various reaching and overhead activities.